Personal Computing Laboratory

The P.C Lab familiarizes faculty students with the use of Personal Computing Systems and the modern services rendered through the world wide web. It also helps students, become acquainted with courses related to Computer Science and Information Technology, but also with the entire coursework of their undergraduate studies, that require the use of Personal Computers

The Lab consists of two (2) main Computer Rooms (A’ and B’) equipped with twenty-four (24) Workstations for students’ purposes and two (2) Workstations for Faculty usage. Moreover, it includes an additional workspace that accommodates the Administrators, as well as the necessary supporting equipment

PCLab Calenedar

PCLab Directors

PCLab Administrators

Name Position Email Telephone
Ψάρρης Δημήτρης


Each PC unit has the following software installed

Operating System: Ubuntu (Linux)
Applications: OpenOffice (Συμβατό με MS Office)
MatLab, Bluej
Programming languages: Java, Fortran, C/C++, Haskell



Address: Building B' 1st floor.
Zografou Campus
9, Iroon Polytechniou str
15780 Zografou
Telephone: (+30) 210-772-3942
Working Hoursς: 9:30 - 17:30