• Ελληνικά Ελληνικά


Information for incoming Erasmus students

List of courses offered by SAMPS as part of the Erasmus+ program and related information can be found here

Information about the Erasmus program at NTUA can be found here

For more information about the courses offered by the School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, please contact

A. Antoniou, Assistant Professor
(Dep. of Mechanics, emai: )

B. Kaldis , Professor
(Dep. of Humanities Social Sciences and Law, emai: )

N. Mavromatos, Professor, Erasmus+ academic coordinator
(Dep. of Physics, emai: )

Y. Papadopoulos , Associate Professor
(Dep. of Physics, emai: )

P. Stefaneas, Associate Professor
(Dep. of Mathematics, emai: )


SEMFE-Secreteriat (email):

Our Team: 

A. Katzilieri, tel. +30 7724190 (outgoing students, incoming st. and general info)

M. Angelopoulou, tel.+30 7724276 (incoming st. registration, outgoing st. and general info)



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